Do you own a VRBO, AirBnb or other “For Rent By Owner” property?
Now you can get more interested renters to your listings by purchasing an ad on
It’s easy and affordable!
Just $249.00 a year for an ad in our For Rent By Owner Rentals Section!
Advertised throughout the website (193k pageviews/year) and in our weekly Holden Beach newsletters to over 10k subscribers! All avid Holden Beach vacationers!
Just fill in the short rental information form below, we will create your ad that will link directly to your property’s listing on VRBO, AirBnb or other “For Rent By Owner” website.
All properties are shown on our location map
Ads rotate with every new visit to the site
Everyone gets their share being #1 at the top of the list of ads!
When your ad is created we will email an invoice you can pay online through our secure Square Billing System.
See our “For Rent By Owner” section here: